Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Facts About Stress

Stress=Anxiety=Feeling Uptight=Tension
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Did you know that 75% of our population experience at least some kind of stress every two weeks? And half of those will expirience even more stress over the same two week period. Stress can contribute to many illnesses such as heart disease and strokes along with damaging our immune system.75-90% of visits to your doctor are due to stress-related problems including depression, insomnia, backache, anxiety, chest pain, hypertension, and headache. They are all caused by stress.Stress can usually come from any situation or thought that you do not like or what you find uneasy. It makes you feel angry and frustrated. Stress affects different people differently and ofcourse different situations affect different people. What can be stressful to one, may not be so stressful to another.Symptoms of stress include: headaches, sweating, frequent urination and diarreah , dizziness, irritability and insomnia. Sometimes, especially in children, the only symptom of stress can be abdominal pain.Stress in small doses can be very beneficial, it can motivate you to do things and make you work faster.Remember that stress is like any other illness. You should always treat the cause and not the symptoms. To find out great tips on how to relieve stress that really work Click Here!

Stress Free Public Speaking Get Great Cofidence

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For The Success You Need
I know personally how scary and bad public speaking can be, not to be able to stand up in a group. When I went to school, I found it hard enough to stand up in the classroom or reading for the group. I would turn as red as a balloon and sweat heavily. I had a real problem but never did anything about it until years later when I became a teacher, I had no idea that speaking to the students would be so hard. I searched for self-help books but nothing I could find helped me.

I continued on teaching for that year but decided to get someone who could help me. I went to an physicist for more than a year, which looking back on was a complete waste of my time and money. I thought I would never go back and teach, all because of my fear of public speaking I was near to giving up hope. I went back to working 9-5, months went by but I could not get teaching off my mind. I searched more on the internet for some help with public speaking, self confidence and found a site that change my life and made me entirely happy.

They were so helpful within 7 weeks my confidence was so high, I was talking to complete strangers that I met. Instead of being talked to, I was initiating the conversation, which is something I never did with people I did not know. I went back to teaching and 4 years later I became vice principle. I developed into that person that everyone knew. I had over come my shyness, low confidence and fear of public speaking.

I never realised how much the fear of public speaking was holding me back until I looked back on how my life was going. This course I took did so much for my professional, Relationships and friendships, I would advise anyone with a public speaking problem to use. The most important thing is not to get stressed. It is a great feeling to be stress free for more CLICK HERE!

I know personally how scary and bad public speaking can be, not to be able to stand up in a group. When I went to school, I found it hard enough to stand up in the classroom or reading for the group. I would turn as red as a balloon and sweat heavily. I had a real problem but never did anything about it until years later when I became a teacher, I had no idea that speaking to the students would be so hard. I searched for self-help books but nothing I could find helped me. Click Here To Learn More

Monday, October 29, 2007

Facts About Stress

Stress=Anxiety=Feeling Uptight=Tension

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Did you know that 75% of our population experience at least some kind of stress every two weeks? And half of those will expirience even more stress over the same two week period. Stress can contribute to many illnesses such as heart disease and strokes along with damaging our immune system.

75-90% of visits to your doctor are due to stress-related problems including depression, insomnia, backache, anxiety, chest pain, hypertension, and headache. They are all caused by stress.

Stress can usually come from any situation or thought that you do not like or what you find uneasy. It makes you feel angry and frustrated. Stress affects different people differently and ofcourse different situations affect different people. What can be stressful to one, may not be so stressful to another.

Symptoms of stress include: headaches, sweating, frequent urination and diarreah , dizziness, irritability and insomnia. Sometimes, especially in children, the only symptom of stress can be abdominal pain.

Stress in small doses can be very beneficial, it can motivate you to do things and make you work faster.

Remember that stress is like any other illness. You should always treat the cause and not the symptoms. To find out great tips on how to relieve stress Click Here!

How To Let Off The Heat

It is very beneficial for your well being, for about half an hour, to listen to calming music, look at swimming fish in your aquarium or rub your cat or dog. You would not think much of it, but your blood pressure and mood quickly calms down.

You can also do a little meditation. Sit down comfortably, back straight and close your eyes. Concentrate on muscles in your stomach. Imagine that air is slowly filling up your stomach, than chest and lungs. Take a deep breath in. Now a few small breaths out. Keep your breathing calm and natural.

In the rythm of your breathing say 20 times: "I am(breath in) relaxing(breath out). I am relaxing. When you feel maximum relaxation, imagine yourself being a bird, freely flying in the sky. Certainly you can also imagine whatever you want, whatever makes you happy.

Nature Heals

When you are very stressed out or put a huge pressure on your nervous system it is very good to walk bare feet on a natural ground. Especially in the forest or in the country. Nature heals the nervous system, so at least once a week go for awalk in the park or by the sea. Movement also strengthens the nervous system. For about 15 minutes a day you should do some exersice, aerobics or jogging, that should do the trick.
For more information on stress relief and relaxation Click Here!


When fighting stress, in the long run having a hobby gives very good results. Long lasting rewarding hobbies like collecting something, embroidering, gardening etc. They help us feelinner peace, comfort and confidence in the next day. For many, a good way to forget about your troubles is to completely dedicate yourself to school or work. However do not forget that our nervous system after an expirienced shock works only up to your ability. So you should spread the pressure out with knowledge or else you may not be able to cope and just bring on more stress.

Download FREE Special Report '7 Ways to Prevent Becoming Stressed-Out, Over-Worked, and Run-Down!

If you are feeling angry and frustrated about something right now and feel like you need to get it out, the best thing to do would be to go to the gym, swimming pool or a run. Exercise is very good at relieving stress and bringing up your mood aswell.

Do you know that the light from the stars can be very good for your health? Polish scientist Borozdict says that star light increases energy of an organism, brings on good mood and takes off the stress.

"Food Of Gods" Takes Off The Stress

As everyone knows chocolate is made out of coco powder, which comes from the seeds of chocolate tree. But not many people know that its botanical name sounds something like "theobroma" which means "food of gods" in Greek. Coco powder contains huge amounts of minerals, vitamins and other elements which are very benificial for your body.

Alcoloids in coco activate your nervous system, so chocolate and coco are very good for people who expirience physical and emotional strains. It gives you strength and energy. Only ever eat dark chocolate because it has high content of coco.

Note: Coco is not recommended if you have problems with your heart, liver or kidneys.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stress Relief That Works

Stress Relief That Works

If something is getting you worried, stand up straight, heels together your hands by your body. Now raise your heels about 5cm from the floor. Let your head fall back so your chin is pointing upwards. Slow down your breathing and stay in this position fow afew minutes. Now go back to normal. You may repeat this exercise 7 times.

Click Here For 300 Breakthrough Tips To Stop Stress!

When You Are Stressed And Tired

  1. Lie flat on the floor, straighten out your legs and put your hand down by your side. Stay in this position for about 8-10 minutes.

  2. While lying on your back, reach your arms forward and up, with your shoulders still on the floor. Repeat 4-9 times.

  3. While lying on the floor, bring your knees up to your stomach and grab them around with your hands and rock on your back.

  4. Still lying on your back, bend your knees put your hand underneath your head. Feel the pressure in your stomach while you bring your head and shoulders up off the floor. Repeat 7-10 times.

  5. While you are siting down, bring down your chin as low as possible. Slowly turn your head left and right. 5 time each side.

  6. Tilt your head back, slowly try to touch your right shoulder with your right ear and then the other side. 5 time each side.

Click Here For More Information!